How to Start Fashion Brand
Danielle Cumberbatch Danielle Cumberbatch

How to Start Fashion Brand

Starting a fashion brand can be a dream come true for many creative entrepreneurs. But, entering the fashion industry can be as daunting as it is exciting. Whether you're a newcomer fresh with ideas, or an experienced entrepreneur managing a brand for a couple of years, the challenges range from defining a clear brand identity to mastering the complexities of supply chain management. This guide will walk you through the crucial early stages of starting a fashion brand, focusing on developing a solid brand identity, assembling a design team, managing the supply chain, and turning design concepts into actual products.

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Staffing Options for Small Fashion Brand
Danielle Cumberbatch Danielle Cumberbatch

Staffing Options for Small Fashion Brand

Owning a fashion brand can get very lucrative. However, it’s not a walk in the park. It can get overwhelming to think about production, operations, finance, marketing and even staffing. The fashion industry faces unique challenges when it comes to staffing. With trends that change with the seasons and a production cycle that demands precision and timeliness, the choice of staffing model can greatly influence a brand’s ability to innovate and compete. The three primary staffing options available to fashion brands—hiring in-house, working with freelancers, and engaging agencies—each come with their own set of advantages and challenges.

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Embracing Sustainability: The Future of Fashion Brands
Danielle Cumberbatch Danielle Cumberbatch

Embracing Sustainability: The Future of Fashion Brands

In the modern landscape, “sustainability” has transitioned from just a buzzword to an essential strategy. The fashion industry, historically notorious for its substantial environmental footprint, is undergoing a transformative shift towards sustainable practices.

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